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Main Screen


The Machine
The Idea
The Brain
The Case
The Keyboard
Main Screen
Mini Screens
TFT Screen
RFID Reader
Using the RFID Reader
Designing RFID Cards
LED Lighting
Power Displays
GPS Module
Battery Power
Power Switch
3D Printed Parts
Future Plans

The original screen in the PPC is almost unreadable in any lighting conditions as well as it won't cope with modern graphics, or anything that is VGA (or above)

That's why it needed a screen change as it would have been too hard to use the original screen in anything modern!

That being the case, an 8 inch screen was located on AliExpress - Well, 2 were ordered but one of them up was destroyed due to stupidity!

When you get it back in the case, anti-static foam sheet, 2 layers is perfect to give a friction fit of the screen!

When it's all together, you can then relax with a game of Duke NukEm (I had a problem getting Doom to run!)

Duke NukEm

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© 2024 Coyote Productions
Last modified: February 03, 2024 01:05:28